Friday, October 17, 2008

Trying To Conceive Tips

For those women who are having a little bit of trouble conceiving (and don't be alarmed; it usually takes the average couple a year to conceive a baby) there are some tips on how to get pregnant. These are accurate, but doesn't necessarily mean that you will get pregnant, it depends on you. Here are a few tips!

#1 Before trying to conceive, cut back on bad habits. If you're overweight, it is better to get into better shape and healthier eating because overweight women have a higher risk of miscarriage and complicated pregnancy. If you're a constant smoker, try cutting back as of now.. this way when you're pregnant, it will be easier for you to stop.

#2 Ovulation is important! Ovulation typically occurs two weeks before your next period. For women with irregular periods, it may be harder to track ovulation. Taking your basal body temperature will help inform you of when you're ovulating.

#3 My OB actually gave me this piece of advice. She said go out and purchase a BBT thermometer. She said digital kind is okay but for even better results, stick to the old fashion kind that you read yourself. Have your BBT thermometer sitting on the side of your bed. From the day of your first period, begin taking your temperature when you wake up, before you get out of bed and do anything. It's best to take your temperature before you get up and use the bathroom and such because you get more accurate results. Have a small book to keep a note of your temperature BBT by your bed side. Usually your BBT will remain the same throughout the days.. then it will drop, usually by .5, and suddenly the next day it is much higher. This is your peak of ovulation, which means it's a good time to have sex (you're most fertile).. this is pretty much fool proof. Here's an example:

"Jessica's" BBT Log:

Day 1: 96.5
Day 2: 96.5
Day 3: 96.5
Day 4: 96.5
Day 5: 96
Day 6: 98

Since Day 6 shows that her temperature suddenly sky-rocketed compared to the steady pace of the other days, and assuming she's not sick, this means that this is the peak of ovulation, a good day to have unprotected sex if you're trying to conceive.

Last, but certainly not least, TTC takes time. Try not to stress yourself because stress can be a reason for conception not taking place. For an overview of this entry, remember to try and be as healthy as possible before trying to conceive and take things one step at a time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your bbt actually shows when you have already ovulated, that's why this can't be used alone. It tells you the general timeframe so next month you can plan accordingly and baby dance the 5 days before the temp spike.