Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions When Expecting

Congrats! You're now expecting a bundle of joy, or more if you're expecting multiples. Now that you're expecting a child, you have tons more questions that I am ready to answer to reassure you that everything should be fine during this lengthy journey.

How often will I see my OB? In the beginning, you will see your OB every 4 weeks, so basically once a month. If you're in the "high-risk" (if you've got hypothyroidism, are overweight, etc) category, then you may see your OB every 3 weeks. Around your 7 month, you will begin going to the OB about every 2 weeks, so twice a month until delivery!

How soon can I find out the sex of the baby? With advances in technology, some women have been able to have the sex of their baby determined at just around 16 weeks, although the most common time to determine the sex of the fetus is anywhere between 18-22 weeks. Even if you get an u/s around the time, ultimately it depends on the cooperation of the baby! Some babies are in a great position to get a full veiw of which sex they are. Other babies lye in positions where it is difficult to tell whether or not baby is a boy or a girl. I've had a friend who had to wait until her 8th month to find out the baby's sex simply because her baby was not cooperating. I, on the other hand, was able to find out about my baby boy at 5 months. I was 21 weeks.

How will I know if I am pregnant with twins? Before you even have an ultrasound, you may notice your stomach is protruding forward faster than normal and you may have more severe symptoms. An early ultrasound will be able to determine if you're carrying multiples.

I'm having more discharge then ever before. Is this normal? Yes. In most instances it is normal.. unless the discharge has brown, pink or red in it, then you should seek medical assistance. However, if you're discharge is more frequent and noticeable now more then ever, remember it is simply one of those additions to being pregnant. Blame it on the hormones! Also, if your discharge is accompanied by an itch/irritation as well as a smell, then you could have a yeast infection. In that case, talk with your OB about using the right yeast infection medication during pregnancy. There are certain ones you cannot use!

What medicine can I take during pregnancy? Of course during pregnancy, certain medicines are off limit because they may cause risk to the unborn baby in your belly. Here's a list of medicines that are approved for pregnant women to take.

Tylenol (original only, no PM's or anything like that)

Claritin or Benadryl (for allergies)

Metamucil, Milk of Magnesia, Citrucil, Colace, and Senekot (for constipation)

Neosporin and Polysporin (first aid ointments)

Preparation H, Tucks, Witch Hazel, and Anusol (for hemorrhoids)

Ginger, Sea Bands, Emetrex (for nausea)

Monistat (for Yeast Infection)

If you're a visitor of sites, boards, and forums for pregnant women then you may be wondering what all the codes mean! I'm going to translate them for you so you can understand what your fellow future mommies are talking about.

EDD: estimated day of delivery
TTC: trying to conceive
AF: aunt flow (period)
OB: obstetrician

1 comment:

Prathibha said...

please post some comments about how to determine or improve babies Complextion while it is still not born.